
Chart of rates for various services, set at two rates for funded and underfunded scholars. Accessible detailed rate information can be found by contacting me through the contact page..

*Meeting rates include up to 30 minutes of preparation or follow-up; additional time will be charged at the coaching preparation rate.

**Piecemeal developmental editing includes reading drafts in advance of coaching meetings, rereading previously edited documents, and similar work where the word count-based rate does not apply. Piecemeal developmental editing does not include a separate editorial report.




what kind of editing do I need?

A description of the different kinds of editing I offer can be found here. If you’re still not sure, I can help you figure it out based on an evaluation of your manuscript.

Can I exclude my reference list from the word count charge?

Yes, you can include or exclude any text you choose, including footnotes, endnotes, particular sections, or references.

Why are there two different rates?

The majority of my clients are academics, a career path laden with structural inequalities. By offering two rates, I aim to increase equity and accessibility in my services.

What if I still can’t afford the underfunded scholar rate?

I hope to institute a scholarship fund to increase access to my services in the future. At this time, however, I am unable to offer lowered rates. Please feel free to reach out, as we may be able to negotiate a limited scope of work to reduce your costs, or I can direct you to other free or low-cost resources that may be of use.

Can I use my institutional funds?

In most cases, I can work with U.S.-based institutions to register as a vendor so you can use your research or other discretionary funding. If you are working with an institution outside the United States, please contact me to discuss how this might work.

Which rate should I use?

If you have access to institutional or grant funding for editing services, or if you are otherwise able to easily afford it, please use the full rate. If you are a writer or scholar in graduate school, in precarious employment, or otherwise facing financial barriers or insecurity, please use the underfunded scholar rate. Rate determination is based entirely on your self-assessment.

I’m not an academic. Which rate should I use?

Please use the rate you are able to afford. Rate determination is based entirely on your self-assessment.

What is your availability?

I am often booked for editing services at least two to three months in advance, or longer for book-length projects. I am not currently taking on new coaching clients, though I do have a coaching waitlist. Please reach out if you would like to be added to the latter.